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Product Guides Overview



These are user-oriented guides for the Jupiter products suite created by community members and maintained by the WWG. If you're looking for technical documentation, please refer to the developer docs.

Getting Started

Hello, curious cat! We're so glad you're here to learn more about using Jupiter products. These guides were created to get new users up to speed quickly and to explain the settings and advanced features of the Jupiter platform. As with most things, the best way to get started is to try it out for yourself on

Another great resource to review is this How does a DEX Aggregator work? explainer on DEX Aggregators by community member @oneel_d

Join the community and engage with us directly by sharing feedback and ideas in our Discord. Also, be sure to follow us on Twitter @JupiterExchange to stay up-to-date with all of our product and community updates!

  • Jupiter Swap: Get a detailed walkthrough on How to Swap. Read How Swap Works to make the best of your swap experience.
  • Limit Order: Learn How to Use Limit Orders and see How Limit Orders Work
  • Automated Strategies: Learn How to DCA and How to VA. Strengthen your trading arsenal and learn the best Use Cases for these products.
  • Perpetual Exchange: Learn about the Jupiter Perpetuals Exchange.
  • JLP Pool: Learn about the JLP Pool and its role in securing liquidity for the Perpetuals Exchange.
  • JupSOL: Check out JupSOL to learn about the official Jupiter LST which supports the Jupiter Validator!
  • General Guides: Find more general guides related to the Solana ecosystem such as: Creating a New Token, the Jupiter Media Kit, Personal Security on Solana and FAQs about the Jupiter Platform.

Happy trading and welcome to the community!