Dynamic Slippage

Dynamic slippage is a slippage estimation and optimization mechanism during the /swap call


To understand what Dynamic Slippage is, checkout our Jupresearch post

Why use dynamic slippage?

  • Estimates slippage closer to the time of execution.
  • A set of heuristics that accounts for the type of token traded and user's max slippage tolerance.
  • Safeguards the user while ensuring success rate.

The frontend sends a payload to the backend with an additional dynamicSlippage field with maxBps set as the user's max slippage (this is important to respect the user's max, the jup.ag UI sets the default to 300bps (3%)).

// get serialized transactions for the swap
const { swapTransaction } = await (
  await fetch('https://api.jup.ag/swap/v6/transaction', {
    method: 'POST',
    headers: {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json'
    body: JSON.stringify({
      // quoteResponse from /quote api
      // user public key to be used for the swap
      userPublicKey: wallet.publicKey.toString(),
      // auto wrap and unwrap SOL. default is true
      wrapAndUnwrapSol: true,
      // jup.ag frontend default max for user
      dynamicSlippage: { "maxBps": 300 },
      // feeAccount is optional. Use if you want to charge a fee.  feeBps must have been passed in /quote API.
      // feeAccount: "fee_account_public_key"

The backend returns a response with a serialized transaction that is already using the final optimized slippage and a dynamicSlippageReport for visibility/error catching.

    "swapTransaction": "// serialized transaction",
    "lastValidBlockHeight": 266691690,
    "prioritizationFeeLamports": 384,
    "computeUnitLimit": 107468,
    "prioritizationType": {
        "computeBudget": {
            "microLamports": 3577,
            "estimatedMicroLamports": 3577
    "dynamicSlippageReport": {
        // the final optimized slippage bps used in the serialized transaction
        "slippageBps": 12,
        // the incurred out amount observed from simulating the transaction
        "otherAmount": 8759842,
        // the simulated incurred slippage during optimization
        // negative integer refers to the loss in bps while positive refers to the gain
        "simulatedIncurredSlippageBps": -8,
        // an amplifcation ratio we use to add a buffer to the estimated slippage
        "amplificationRatio": "1.5"
    "simulationError": null