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Token List API: Get validated tokens on your DApp


The Jupiter Token List API is an open, collaborative, and dynamic token list to make trading on Solana more transparent and safer for users and developers.

Our Approach: Introducing the Jupiter Token List API

Core Principles

  1. Safety: Only validated token addresses are shown by default on the 'Strict List'.
  2. Open: Automatically adds new tokens with sufficient liquidity into the ‘Full’ list. The full list will always contain all tokens available for trade to give open access to all projects.
  3. Un-opinionated: All data (market, partner, community) is included and you can pick the tokens you need.
  4. Collaborative: We engage ecosystem partners to build a robust and comprehensive list with us by including their data.
  5. Community Driven: Our community drives the validation process.

'Strict' and 'All' Lists

Our lists only show tokens that satisfy our minimum liquidity requirements

Our lists are designed for trading -- The "All" list only shows tokens that satisfy our minimum liquidity requirements. Tokens will automatically be picked up once they are above the threshold, and will fall off when they are below. See Getting Your Token on Jupiter for more details on liquidity requirements.

For your convenience, we packed it into 2 endpoints for you to choose from.

  • Strict:
    • Only tokens that are tagged "old-registry", "community", or "wormhole" verified.
    • No unknown and banned tokens.
  • All:
    • Everything including unknown/untagged tokens that are picked up automatically.
    • It does not include banned tokens by default.
    • To bring up banned tokens, append this flag to the endpoint. (?includeBanned=true). Often, projects notice that the token got banned and withdraw liquidity. As our lists are designed for trading, banned tokens that used to, but no longer meet our minimum liquidity requirements will not appear in this response. If you require the entire list of banned tokens -- please refer to this banned tokens file in our Github repo.

Tags & Extensions:

Each token can have 1 or more of the following:

  • tags Old-registry: From the archived Solana Labs token list repo. These tokens were added to the repo before July 2022. As this is the original token list in Solana, the tokens here are generally more recognised.
  • tags Community: Attested by Jupiter's communities. This includes newer and widely traded tokens created after the old-registry was archived like Bonk and Hades.
  • tags Wormhole: Bridged assets to Solana via wormhole
  • tags SolanaFM: Tokens that are "verified" on the solana-fm list.
  • tags Unknown: Assets that were picked up automatically by Jupiter.
  • tags Token2022: Tokens on the Token-2022 Program.
  • extensions isBanned: Generally fake tokens trying to impersonate another project (E.g. fake wSOL), flagged by our community.

Our UI on

On our UI, we have 2 modes. The default that all users land on is the "strict" mode, without unknown and banned tokens. Users can choose to toggle on the full list with the "all" mode at the bottom of the token selection modal.

token list

Community Validation for Strict Mode (BETA)

Anyone can propose an addition to the strict list. You can refer to Getting on the strict list to know more about our community-driven process. This new process is still in its early days, and we ask for your patience as we iterate.

Collaborate with us 🤝 

The Jupiter Token API is still early and we want to work w everyone – users, community members, protocols and data consumers to build a better one for the ecosystem.

If you have your own data (e.g. your own validation process, bridged / staked token lists) -- talk to us.

Join the Token Revolution, Together We List!