Get token information by token mint address


  • address (string): Supports an address of a token
    • Example values:
      • JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN
      • So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112
      • mSoLzYCxHdYgdzU16g5QSh3i5K3z3KZK7ytfqcJm7So

We only support filtering for 1 token at a time right now.

Typings of response data

Field AttributeTypeDescription
addressstringAddress of the token
namestringName of the token
symbolstringSymbol of the token
decimalsnumberNumber of decimal places the token amount complies to
tagsstring[]Tags that are attached to the token
daily_volumenumberDaily traded volume of the token
created_atstringTimestamp of the creation date for this token record in the DB
freeze_authoritystring | nullFreeze authority address of the token
mint_authoritystring | nullMint authority address of the token
permanent_delegatestring | nullPermanent delegate address of the token
minted_atstringTimestamp of the day this token is minted
extensionsMap (Dictionary)Partner extension details

Example Response

  "address": "JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN",
  "name": "Jupiter",
  "symbol": "JUP",
  "decimals": 6,
  "logoURI": "",
  "tags": [
  "daily_volume": 7559150.946059356,
  "created_at": "2024-04-26T10:43:13.779540Z",
  "freeze_authority": null,
  "mint_authority": null,
  "permanent_delegate": null,
  "minted_at": "2024-01-25T08:54:23Z",
  "extensions": {
    "coingeckoId": "jupiter-exchange-solana"
Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!