Jupiter Price API V2 is an improved version of the Price API, aiming to enhance accuracy by factoring both buy and sell-side prices to derive a more accurate price.

Retrieve pricing information much faster with V2

Jupiter Price V2 API will always return the unit buy price for the token specified with the ids parameter. This price is based on the best pricing data available across all DEXes queried. Please remember the addresses are case-sensitive.


ids(required, string): Supports address of a token. You can also pass in an array of ids to with , as separator.
Maximum of 100 unique IDs allowed.

  • Address are case-sensitive
    • mSoLzYCxHdYgdzU16g5QSh3i5K3z3KZK7ytfqcJm7So
    • mSoLzYCxHdYgdzU16g5QSh3i5K3z3KZK7ytfqcJm7So,So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112

showExtraInfo(Optional, boolean): A boolean flag to indicate whether to include additional information in the response.

  • Including showExtraInfo provides more detailed information, helping you determine the most suitable price for your use case.
  • defaults to false if not specified

vsToken (Optional, string): Support address of a token.

  • Address is case-sensitive
    • JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN
    • vsToken cannot be used with showExtraInfo when it's true, response 400: Bad requestwould be returned

Typings of response data

typederivedPrice is the midpoint between buyPrice and sellPrice.
pricebased on the type above
extraInfoextraInfo Fields (More info below)
buyPriceAn Option<String> representing the quoted buy price.
sellPriceAn Option<String> representing the quoted sell price.
timeTakenA f32 representing the time taken for the request.
lastSwappedPriceA SwapPrice struct that holds the last Jupiter swapped price details.

extraInfo Fields

lastJupiterSellAtEpoch seconds of the lastJupiterSellPrice
lastJupiterSellPricePrice of last Jupiter sell
lastJupiterBuyAtEpoch seconds of the lastJupiterBuyPrice.
lastJupiterBuyPricePrice of last Jupiter buy
buyPriceAn Option<String> representing the quoted buy price.
buyAtEpoch seconds of when the buy quote was retrieved.
sellPriceAn Option<String> representing the quoted sell price.
sellAtEpoch seconds of when the sell quote was retrieved.
confidenceLevelA String indicating the confidence level (High, Medium, or Low).
buyPriceImpactRatioA Map broken down into 3 key-value pairs: 10, 100 & 1000 (SOL). The value is expressed as a percentage.
sellPriceImpactRatioA Map broken down into 3 key-value pairs: 10, 100 & 1000 (SOL). The value is expressed as a percentage.

Want to find out more about how we derive confidenceLevel or depth? Read our research article on the Price V2 API.


If the price for a token cannot be found, it is either because

  1. The token is not tradable on Jupiter - it does not fit Jupiter’s routing criteria.
  2. There is no route for this token to SOL.
    sellPrice, sellAt & lastSwappedPrice might be null in cases
  3. sellPrice & sellAt is not cached and cannot be retrieved (in these cases type will be buyPrice, same as PriceV1).
  4. lastSwappedPrice might be null if the token has not been traded recently or cannot be retrieved
    1. Tokens that have not been traded via USDC in the last 3 days.
    2. Note that this is only for swaps done via Jupiter, it will not be done for swaps done e.g. directly on Raydium’s platform.
      buyPriceImpactRatio & sellPriceImpactRatio in the depth field might be null in cases
  5. We are to get the respective price impacts for the 10, 100 and 1000 SOL buys or sells
    1. It could be because the token’s liquidity does not have enough liquidity for larger values
  6. We cannot find the sell quote for the respective token and the buy/sell values

Example Response

  "data": {
    "JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN": {
      "id": "JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN",
      "type": "derivedPrice",
      "price": "0.766896",
      "extraInfo": {
        "lastSwappedPrice": {
          "lastJupiterSellAt": 1726565261,
          "lastJupiterSellPrice": "0.735183216284697",
          "lastJupiterBuyAt": 1726564934,
          "lastJupiterBuyPrice": "0.7339025568402265"
        "quotedPrice": {
          "buyPrice": "0.750482",
          "buyAt": 1726565328,
          "sellPrice": "0.783310",
          "sellAt": 1726565328
        "confidenceLevel": "medium",
        "depth": {
          "buyPriceImpactRatio": {
            "depth": {
              "10": 2.119117877915484,
              "100": 2.064530605035608,
              "1000": 1.8781253512016212
            "timestamp": 1726565323
          "sellPriceImpactRatio": {
            "depth": {
              "10": 6.298327823142029,
              "100": 6.295307050938762,
              "1000": 6.414879191566326
            "timestamp": 1726565330
  "timeTaken": 0.00392236
# Unit price of 1 JUP & 1 SOL based on the Derived Price in USDC

    "data": {
        "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112": {
            "id": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
            "type": "derivedPrice",
            "price": "132.176540000",
            "extraInfo": {
                "lastSwappedPrice": {
                    "lastJupiterSellAt": 1726232167,
                    "lastJupiterSellPrice": "132.1815918927837",
                    "lastJupiterBuyAt": 1726232168,
                    "lastJupiterBuyPrice": "132.3113422757551"
                "quotedPrice": {
                    "buyPrice": "132.183970000",
                    "buyAt": 1726232166,
                    "sellPrice": "132.169110000",
                    "sellAt": 1726232168
                "confidenceLevel": "high",
                "depth": {
                    "buyPriceImpactRatio": {
                        "depth": {
                            "10": 0.011976036126034885,
                            "100": 0.05308426581530216,
                            "1000": 0.1168049189323158
                        "timestamp": 1726232167
                    "sellPriceImpactRatio": {
                        "depth": {
                            "10": 0.01582101846363979,
                            "100": 0.03166775883921609,
                            "1000": 0.06880960201997424
                        "timestamp": 1726232167
        "JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN": {
            "id": "JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN",
            "type": "derivedPrice",
            "price": "0.742851",
            "extraInfo": {
                "lastSwappedPrice": {
                    "lastJupiterSellAt": 1726232039,
                    "lastJupiterSellPrice": "0.7442999683998961",
                    "lastJupiterBuyAt": 1726232097,
                    "lastJupiterBuyPrice": "0.7431593824200015"
                "quotedPrice": {
                    "buyPrice": "0.742917",
                    "buyAt": 1726232165,
                    "sellPrice": "0.742784",
                    "sellAt": 1726232168
                "confidenceLevel": "high",
                "depth": {
                    "buyPriceImpactRatio": {
                        "depth": {
                            "10": 0.009393981894911491,
                            "100": 0.08127843280940066,
                            "1000": 0.3417234655853332
                        "timestamp": 1726232167
                    "sellPriceImpactRatio": {
                        "depth": {
                            "10": 0.05174412761856207,
                            "100": 0.06288330728860267,
                            "1000": 0.281508676845538
                        "timestamp": 1726232167
    "timeTaken": 0.00388851
# Unit price of 1 JUP & 1 SOL based on the Derived Price in USDC

    "data": {
        "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112": {
            "id": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
            "type": "derivedPrice",
            "price": "133.890945000"
        "JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN": {
            "id": "JUPyiwrYJFskUPiHa7hkeR8VUtAeFoSYbKedZNsDvCN",
            "type": "derivedPrice",
            "price": "0.751467"
    "timeTaken": 0.00395219

Rate Limits: This endpoint is rate limited to 600 requests/min.

Click Try It! to start a request and see the response here!