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Build a Limit Order Bot With Javascript

Jupiter Limit Order provides users with the simplest way to place limit orders on Solana and receive tokens directly in your wallet when the order is filled!


Query user open order, order history and trade history APIs



walletstringNoThe wallet address
inputMintstringNoThe contract address of the token used to place the limit order
outputMintstringNoThe contract address of the token being bought

Due to the transaction size limit, it is best to provide a wallet address even if it is not required.

Example Request

curl -X GET ""


200: OKSuccess Response
"publicKey": "APCQFtJqMhv6MpXHEtwTBxuSzGTLcJz3XcQGKc1hNpc2",
"account": {
"maker": "TVeKgyTMp3DjwVFRYC9mYcRStRnbRsFExrZDFCKrXnT",
"inputMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"outputMint": "WENWENvqqNya429ubCdR81ZmD69brwQaaBYY6p3LCpk",
"oriInAmount": "30000000",
"oriOutAmount": "150000000000",
"inAmount": "30000000",
"outAmount": "150000000000",
"expiredAt": null,
"base": "314Ybz35QBeJ4DNRYbpBVM8DFhcDrchpmvTLQQhcLj23"
default Error Response
"message": "string",
"code": "string",
"issues": [
"message": "string"


walletstringYeswallet address

Example Request

curl -X GET ""


200: OKSuccess Response
"id": 38422148,
"orderKey": "BBdAfjXB3kiu2Z6XZM6BAm5hei5awU3SwTT12btaQmgx",
"maker": "TVeKgyTMp3DjwVFRYC9mYcRStRnbRsFExrZDFCKrXnT",
"inputMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"outputMint": "WENWENvqqNya429ubCdR81ZmD69brwQaaBYY6p3LCpk",
"inAmount": "0",
"oriInAmount": "30000000",
"outAmount": "0",
"oriOutAmount": "2715393334",
"expiredAt": null,
"state": "Completed",
"createTxid": "5xbd6BhqCbfhrorEsrxSGs2wGzaJMycuqy6X11PTMrJtF2mMAoAo4e7vJgCzjWDKNRWMqrMyAL4u5aaWaEtnAFKW",
"cancelTxid": null,
"updatedAt": "2024-05-23T17:09:31.024Z",
"createdAt": "2024-05-23T17:07:47.000Z"
default Error Response
"message": "string",
"code": "string",
"issues": [
"message": "string"


walletstringNoWallet Address
inputMintstringNoContract address of the token being sold
outputMintstringNoContract address of the token being bought

Example Request

curl -X GET ""


200: OKSuccess Response
"id": 47520095,
"inAmount": "30000000",
"outAmount": "2715393334",
"txid": "2csWeVyrqfCcjYHUhpYikEW7aspz7piThp1CjrXv3iCofwa4Kd9zhF5PrRuidH4pJ4U5ZCeA9edYgqZgHWhKYVpt",
"updatedAt": "2024-05-23T17:09:29.999Z",
"createdAt": "2024-05-23T17:09:23.000Z",
"order": {
"id": 38422148,
"orderKey": "BBdAfjXB3kiu2Z6XZM6BAm5hei5awU3SwTT12btaQmgx",
"inputMint": "So11111111111111111111111111111111111111112",
"outputMint": "WENWENvqqNya429ubCdR81ZmD69brwQaaBYY6p3LCpk"
default Error Response
"message": "string",
"code": "string",
"issues": [
"message": "string"

Cancel order



ordersstring listNoList of orders being attempted to cancel


"owner": "string",
"feePayer": "string",
"orders": [


200: OKSuccess Response
{ "tx": "string"}
default Error Response
"message": "string",
"code": "string",
"issues": [
"message": "string"

Create Limit Order (Code Example)

1. Install the libraries

Running this example requires a minimum of NodeJS 16. In your command line terminal, install the libraries.

npm i @solana/web3.js
npm i cross-fetch
npm i @project-serum/anchor
npm i bs58

2. Import from libraries and setup connection

Next you can copy the following code snippets to a javascript file jupiter-api-example.js. And when you are ready to run the code, just type: node jupiter-api-example.js

import { Connection, Keypair, VersionedTransaction } from "@solana/web3.js";
import fetch from "cross-fetch";
import { Wallet } from "@project-serum/anchor";
import bs58 from "bs58";

// It is recommended that you use your own RPC endpoint.
// This RPC endpoint is only for demonstration purposes so that this example will run.
const connection = new Connection(

Always make sure that you are using your own RPC endpoint. The RPC endpoint used by the connection object in the above example may not work anymore.

3. Setup your wallet

In this example, you can paste in your private key for testing purposes but this is not recommended for production applications.

const wallet = new Wallet(
Keypair.fromSecretKey(bs58.decode(process.env.PRIVATE_KEY || ""))
const referral = new Wallet(
Keypair.fromSecretKey(bs58.decode(process.env.REFERRAL_PRIVATE_KEY || ""))

4. Get the serialized transactions to perform the swap

// Base key are used to generate a unique order id
const base = Keypair.generate();

// get serialized transactions
const transactions = await (
await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
owner: wallet.publicKey.toString(),
inAmount: 100000, // 1000000 => 1 USDC if inputToken.address is USDC mint
outAmount: 100000,
inputMint: inputMint.toString(),
outputMint: outputMint.toString(),
expiredAt: null, // new Date().valueOf() / 1000,
base: base.publicKey.toString(),
// referralAccount and name are both optional
// provide both to get referral fees
// more details in the section below
referralAccount: referral.publicKey.toString(),
referralName: "Referral Name"

const { tx } = transactions;

expiredAt - Can be either null or Unix timestamp in seconds.

Execute transaction

5. Deserialize and sign the transaction

// deserialize the transaction
const transactionBuf = Buffer.from(tx, "base64");
var transaction = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(transactionBuf);

// sign the transaction using the required key
// for create order, wallet and base key are required.
transaction.sign([wallet.payer, base]);

6. Execute the transaction

// get the latest block hash
const latestBlockHash = await connection.getLatestBlockhash();

// Execute the transaction
const rawTransaction = transaction.serialize();
const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(rawTransaction, {
skipPreflight: true,
maxRetries: 2,
await connection.confirmTransaction({
blockhash: latestBlockHash.blockhash,
lastValidBlockHeight: latestBlockHash.lastValidBlockHeight,
signature: txid
Whole code snippet
import { Connection, Keypair, VersionedTransaction } from "@solana/web3.js";
import fetch from "cross-fetch";
import { Wallet } from "@project-serum/anchor";
import bs58 from "bs58";

// It is recommended that you use your own RPC endpoint.
// This RPC endpoint is only for demonstration purposes so that this example will run.
const connection = new Connection(

// Base key are used to generate a unique order id
const base = Keypair.generate();

// get serialized transactions
const transactions = await (
await fetch('', {
method: 'POST',
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'application/json'
body: JSON.stringify({
owner: wallet.publicKey.toString(),
inAmount: 100000, // 1000000 => 1 USDC if inputToken.address is USDC mint
outAmount: 100000,
inputMint: inputMint.toString(),
outputMint: outputMint.toString(),
expiredAt: null, // new Date().valueOf() / 1000,
base: base.publicKey.toString(),
// referralAccount and name are both optional
// provide both to get referral fees
// more details in the section below
referralAccount: referral.publicKey.toString(),
referralName: "Referral Name"

const { tx } = transactions;

// deserialize the transaction
const transactionBuf = Buffer.from(tx, "base64");
var transaction = VersionedTransaction.deserialize(transactionBuf);

// sign the transaction using the required key
// for create order, wallet and base key are required.
transaction.sign([wallet.payer, base]);

// Execute the transaction
const rawTransaction = transaction.serialize();
const txid = await connection.sendRawTransaction(rawTransaction, {
skipPreflight: true,
maxRetries: 2,
await connection.confirmTransaction(txid);

Deserialize, sign and execute the transaction from the response like here.


Due to the transaction size limit, the maximum cancellation order in a batch is 10.


The Jupiter Limit Order's project account for the Referral Program is 45ruCyfdRkWpRNGEqWzjCiXRHkZs8WXCLQ67Pnpye7Hp.


Check out the referral program for Limit Order.