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Creating a Limit Order with the SDK

Program Address



Our published package can be found here at NPM.

yarn add @jup-ag/limit-order-sdk


1. Import the needed libraries

import { LimitOrderProvider } from "@jup-ag/limit-order-sdk";

2. Load limit order instance with connection

// It is recommended that you use your own RPC endpoint.
// This RPC endpoint is only for demonstration purposes so that this example will run.
const connection = new Connection($SOLANA_RPC_ENDPOINT);

const limitOrder = new LimitOrderProvider(
// referralPubKey and name are both optional
// provide both to get referral fees
// more details in the section below

Create limit order

// Base key are used to generate a unique order id
const base = Keypair.generate();

const { tx, orderPubKey } = await limitOrder.createOrder({
owner: owner.publicKey,
inAmount: new BN(100000), // 1000000 => 1 USDC if inputToken.address is USDC mint
outAmount: new BN(100000),
inputMint: new PublicKey(inputToken.address),
outputMint: new PublicKey(outputToken.address),
expiredAt: null, // new BN(new Date().valueOf() / 1000)
base: base.publicKey,

await sendAndConfirmTransaction(connection, tx, [owner, base]);

expiredAt - Can be either null or Unix timestamp in seconds.

Query user order and history

import { ownerFilter } from "@jup-ag/limit-order-sdk";
import { OrderHistoryItem, TradeHistoryItem } from "@jup-ag/limit-order-sdk";

const openOrder = await limitOrder.getOrders([ownerFilter(owner.publicKey)]);

const orderHistory: OrderHistoryItem[] = await limitOrder.getOrderHistory({
wallet: owner.publicKey.toBase58(),
take: 20, // optional, default is 20, maximum is 100
// lastCursor: // optional, for pagination

const orderHistoryCount: number = await limitOrder.getOrderHistoryCount({
wallet: owner.publicKey.toBase58(),

const tradeHistory: TradeHistoryItem[] = await limitOrder.getTradeHistory({
wallet: owner.publicKey.toBase58(),
take: 20, // optional, default is 20, maximum is 100
// lastCursor: // optional, for pagination

const tradeHistoryCount: number = await limitOrder.getTradeHistoryCount({
wallet: owner.publicKey.toBase58(),

Cancel order

const txid = await limitOrder.cancelOrder({
owner: owner.publicKey,
orderPubKey: order.publicKey,

Batch cancel order

const txid = await limitOrder.batchCancelOrder({
owner: owner.publicKey,
ordersPubKey: batchOrdersPubKey,

Due to the transaction size limit, the maximum cancellation order in a batch is 10.


Check out the referral program for Limit Order.